Importing a Question Bank from ExamView


Instructors may wish to create test questions in ExamView for easy import into a Moodle course.


What is it?

Examview test banks can be uploaded to Moodle to create Moodle tests.


How to upload Examview test banks to Moodle

1. Find where your Examview test bank folder is located and unzip it

2. Open the unzipped folder and locate the file with a .dat extension.

3. Go to the Moodle assignment that you would like the questions uploaded to.

4. Click the gear icon (settings) in the top right, then click on "Import" under "Question bank".


5. Select "Blackboard" as the file format and the import category that you would like the questions to be uploaded to. Then, click "Choose a file..." and choose the .dat file that you located earlier. Finally, click "Import".



Article ID: 138206
Wed 9/29/21 5:44 PM
Mon 11/6/23 4:14 PM