What is it?
The Montana Technological University MyMtech mobile application is our portal to many services such as course schedules, announcements, messaging, and others.
Who can use it?
All employees, registered students, and admitted but not registered students.
Table of Contents
- Accessing your profile
- Accessing your notifications
- Modifying your user preferences
- How to use the messaging feature
- How to post Campus Connect announcements
- Common issues
Where can I get it?
Access the app's store page on Google Play and the Apple App Store by clicking the images below.

After downloading and opening the app, you will be prompted with a login page. You will login with your MyMtech credentials (username and password).
Accessing your profile
Tap on your profile icon in the top right corner then select "Profile":

Tap on "Edit" on the right side of the screen:

To change your profile image, tap on the
icon next to your profile icon:

Select an image from your Phone. Select "Crop Image" once you are satisfied with your profile picture.
To change your preferences, scroll down until you see the section titled "My Interests":

Select/Deselect the black checkboxes to accommodate your interests. You will only receive Campus Connect announcements from categories that you have selected.
Once you are done, scroll back to the top of the page and select "Save All":

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Accessing your notifications
From any page of the MyMtech app, select the bell icon in the top right section of the app.

This will take you to the Notifications page, where you will see any active notifications.

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Modifying your user preferences
Open your app to the homepage.
Click 'User Preferences'.

Your list of user preferences will now appear. You can check or uncheck any settings in this tab according to preferences.

The first section, 'Connect', also referred to as Campus Connect, is where users see announcements that pertain to their interests as well as ones that are targeted directly to them. By first tapping the 'Connect' option, you can see the list of options that pertain specifically to Connect.

Toggling the 'Email' selection, you are indicating that you would like to receive your Connect messages as email messages. You can additionally manage your preferences for what messages can send push notifications under here by tapping 'Push Notification Categories'.

The second section, 'Messaging', is where users see direct messages sent to them. By first tapping the 'Messaging' option, you can see the list of options that pertain specifically to Messaging. You can dictate where notifications for these messages will additionally be sent including through SMS and email.

6. The third section 'Chat' is where users can message other students back and forth in a chat room style. Privacy settings can be modified here for which users can see you, who can send you push notifications and a place where you can enter in the name of a user you would like to block chat messages from.

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How to use the messaging feature
From the MyMtech app home page, tap the "Communication" applet.

Tap on the "Messaging" option.

From here, you may either tap the "Template" option to use a past template that you have saved, or tap "+ Create" to create a new message.

From the new message page, in the "Select Channel" section, select one or more areas to which you would like your message to be posted (Connect Post, Email, and/or Push Notification). In the "Compose Message" section, you can type the main body of your message. In the "Scheduler" section, you may want to uncheck the "Publish Now" option and select a later time at which your message will be automatically posted. When you are ready, tap "Next".

From here, you will see a preview of your message. You may tap "Save as Template" to save this message for later use, or tap "Publish" to finish sending your message.

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How to post to Connect on mobile
How to check if you have enabled different Connect categories
Open the MyMtech app. From anywhere in the app, you can click on your profile in the top right corner.

From your profile, click "Edit" in the top right corner. In the "My Interests" section below, you can check or un-check boxes for categories that you would like to be able to send connects to. Be sure to click "Save All" in the top right once you are finished making your selections. Please note that you also will not see Connects posted by other users unless you are following the category in which the Connect was posted.

How to post a Connect
Open the MyMTech app. From the homepage, press on the "Communication" applet.

From within Communication, press "Connect".

Click in the text box that says "What's on your mind?"

Tap the "+" icon in the top right. Click on any categories that you would like your Connect message to be sent to, then click the "X" in the top right to close the category menu.

In the main text box, type your message. You can add photos or videos by tapping the photo/video icons to the bottom left, below the main text box. Note that there is a 5,000 character limit on the length of a Connect message. Once you are satisfied with your message, click "PUBLISH".

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Who can post to which categories?
Even if you select the checkboxes in your profile to enable posting Connects to those categories, you may not be able to post a connect if you do not have permissions to do so. For example, everyone on campus can post to the "Lost and Found" category, while only people related to Career Services will be able to post to the "Career Services" category. Enabling the checkbox for a category in your profile does not guarantee that you have the proper permission to post to that category.
Click here to see a table outlining which user groups on campus have permissions to post connects to which categories.
If you believe you should have permissions to post a Connect but are not able to do so, please contact the IT Help Desk at (406) 496-4244 or come to MG 110 during business hours.
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Common Issues
If you see only a blank white screen when opening the app or the app is stuck loading indefinitely, an uninstall and reinstall of the app will fix the issue.