Panopto: Getting Started


Adding Panopto as a Course Activity, How to Add & Provision a Panopto Block, Upload a Pre-recorded Video to Canvas, Panopto Video Assignments, Live Stream a Lecture


What is It?

Panopto is an external plugin in Canvas that allows students to access live and pre-recorded videos created by the instructor. It also enables students to submit video assignments. Panopto is accessible to both students and instructors without requiring a secondary login, making it user-friendly. Additionally, it helps reduce the overall course size.

*Note Montana Tech IT Help Desk does not provide support for Panopto, if you have any issues reach out to Panopto Support. If you have any issues with the LTI you can reach out to the IT Help Desk.*

Table of Contents

  1. Signing in to Canvas
  2. Accessing Panopto in a Canvas Course
  3. Using the Panopto Video Tool in Canvas
  4. Adding / Recording Video with Panopto
  5. Viewing Panopto Videos
  6. Sharing Panopto Videos
  7. Embedding Panopto Videos
  8. Panopto Video Assignments
    • Panopto offers an-easy-to use video submission feature. This tool is great for assignments which require students to upload large video files. 
  9. Live Stream a Lecture
    • Instructors can live stream their lectures using Panopto. 

Signing in to Canvas

Step 1:

In your web browser, navigate to Canvas using the following link:

Step 2:

Enter your username and password, then select "SIGN IN."

  • Note: Links to help with passwords are on the Web Sign-on page. Those unable to log into Canvas should contact the IT Help Center.

Back to Table of Contents

Accessing Panopto in a Canvas Course

Step 1: Sign in

In your web browser, navigate to Canvas:

and sign in.

Step 2: Navigate to Course

Select the course to which you want to add Panopto:

This can be accessed via the left-side taskbar.

Step 3: Locate the Panopto Video Tool

"Panopto Video" can be found under the course tab, as shown in the image:

Note: If you do not see this option, it may be at the very bottom. To edit this:

Scroll down to the bottom and select "Settings."
From here, select "Navigation" and drag Panopto Video to a spot you prefer.

Using the Panopto Video Tool in Canvas

In Panopto, all videos are organized into folders and subfolders.

The default folder will contain videos for your course, but you can change this using the dropdown menu.

The course folder is shared with everyone enrolled in the Canvas course. Instructors can create, modify, and share videos, while students may only search for and view videos. To share a video with students, add it to this folder.

Panopto has full functionality within Canvas, but if you prefer to access it directly, click the icon as indicated in the image:
You will still have access to all course materials, but with a slightly different view.

Adding / Recording Video with Panopto

To add videos to your course's Panopto folder, drag and drop the file from your drive to the page.

Video recordings can be made via the "Create" button at the top.

The following options are available:

Panopto Capture is likely the easiest way to create a screen-recorded video.

For more information on creating content with Panopto, please visit the following links:

Learn About the Create Button

How to Create a Video

Viewing Panopto Videos

To view a video within Canvas, select the video’s thumbnail or title.
Videos are also fully searchable by title.

For more information on Panopto's new Smart Search, visit How to Use Video Search.

Sharing Panopto Videos

From within Canvas, you can view the sharing settings of a folder by selecting the Share icon from the upper right corner.
You can share content with groups and individuals that the folder has been shared with. User type will be listed as well.

Embedding Panopto Videos

Panopto videos can be embedded into Canvas course materials anywhere you have access to the text editor.

When videos are embedded, they can be played from within the item a user is viewing without opening the video in a new tab.

To embed videos into your course content, follow the steps in How to Embed Panopto Videos in a Canvas Course.

Creating a Video Assignment

Step 1:

In the course menu, select "Panopto Video"

Panopto video on the left side menu

Step 2: 

In the course folder that appears, expand the options menu from the upper right-hand corner and select "Settings"

Select settings from the dropdown menu on the right side of the page

Step 3:

On the overview tab of the folder settings that appears, select "Create Assignment Folder"

Step 4:
Navigate to the dropdown once again, and click on the newly created assignments folder

Step 5:

This will open a new tab of Panopto. Navigate to the same dropdown settings as before and select settings once again.

Step 6:

From this page, select the settings tab on the left-hand side

Step 7:

This page gives you various options such as allowing students to see each other's submissions

Step 8:

To assign a due date, scroll down to the availability section

Step 9:

Navigate to the Assignments tab of your canvas course and click the +assignment button

Step 10:

Fill out the assignment details and instructions as needed

Step 11:

Set the submission type to online and then select the media recordings checkbox

Step 12:

Make sure to save and publish the assignment

Step 13:

Students can now record and submit the assignment

Live Stream a Lecture

Step 1:

From the course home page, navigate to Panopto video

Panopto side panel

Step 2:

Select the open in panopto button in the top-right corner of the window

open in panopto button

Step 3:

Press the Create button in the top left of the page and select the webcast option

panopto create media

webcast option

Step 4:

Name the webcast and select create

name webcast and create

Step 5:

You can now customize the lecture settings. Once you have finished doing so, select record

begin recording

Step 6:

Once you access the Panopto recording window, select Record

Panopto recording window

Step 7:

Your lecture is now being streamed to your students via the Panopto video side panel

Video livestream




Article ID: 159510
Wed 5/29/24 12:35 PM
Wed 2/12/25 5:43 PM