

Everything you need to know about the Canvas Gradebook!


What is It?

Instructors and staff are able to edit their gradebook on Canvas

Table of Contents

  1. Adding a Manual Grade Item
    • Creating a grade for an assignment that does not have a corresponding activity on Canvas.
  2. Custom Grade Scale
    • Customizing the letter grade scale in a Canvas Course
  3. Grade Display - Course Total
    • Customize how grades are displayed for the course total
  4. Grade Display - Categories
    • Customize how grades are displayed in categories
  5. Grade Display - Individual Assignments
    • Custom how grades are displayed for an individual assignment
  6. File Submissions
    • Creating assignments which allow for students to submit a file
  7. Accessing Student View 
    • Viewing grades from a student's point of view
  8. Providing Feedback
    • Giving feedback on graded activities


Step 1:

In your web browser, navigate to your Canvas using the following link:



Step 2:

Enter your username and password and then select "SIGN IN."

  • Note: Links to help with passwords are on the Web Sign-on page. Those who cannot log into Canvas should contact the IT Help Center.


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Adding a Manual Grade Item

Step 1:

On your web browser, navigate to your Canvas homepage using the following link:

Note: If you are having any issues accessing Canvas please navigate to the Login section.


Step 2:

On the homepage, you have the ability to choose from the accessory bar "Courses".

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Step 3:

From here access Grades tab and select the student you want to grade. You can search the student if needed

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Step 4:

Once selected you can visit the grades button to navigate the assignment you want to grade manually 

(click image to view work flow)

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Step 5:

You can input points 

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Step 6:

You can view the posted score from the student assignment page 


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Also see "Custom Grade Scale"




Custom Grade Scale

Step 1:

On your web browser, navigate to your Canvas homepage using the following link:

Note: If you are having any issues accessing Canvas please navigate to the Login section.


Step 2:

Navigate the Grades tab from Courses

Select the gear for settings at the top right of the page

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Step 3:

There are 3 categories of settings to edit

1. Being the Late Policies category where we can apply settings like the ones highlighted below 

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2. Being the Grade Posting Policy category where you may decide your preference on grading

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3. Being "View Options" such as arrnagements and color personalization, and organization of preferences

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Step 4:

After any edit be sure to Apply Settings or there will be no change, and the process ''completed'' will be reversedUploaded Image (Thumbnail)

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Grade Display - Course Total Grade Display - Categories

Step 1:

On your web browser, navigate to your Canvas homepage using the following link:

Note: If you are having any issues accessing Canvas please navigate to the Login section.


Step 2:

Select the Courses tab and navigate Grades. Scroll the tab all the way to the right and locate the Total column kabab

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Step 3:

From here we can sort by


1. Low grades to high grades

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2. Display as Points or as Percentages and we get a warning message (you may choose continue check box)

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3. Select Move to Front, and view from the beginning of the grid (click image to view full)Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)



Step 4:


To send a message to a group of students based on their grades, click the Message Students Who link

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Step 5:

Enter the message details and recipients (By default it will be auto populated to the students with a Total Grade Higher than input)

 (To send to students whose total grade is lower than input, click the For students who drop-down menu, and select the Total grade lower than option)

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To see all recipients or hide them, select highlighted toggle



Step 6:

When you finish setting your grade display type, changes will save automatically 


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Grade Display - Individual Assignments

Step 1:

On your web browser, navigate to your Canvas homepage using the following link:

Note: If you are having any issues accessing Canvas please navigate to the Login section.


Step 2:

Navigate Grades from Courses tab and select the individual gradebook option at the top left side of the page

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Step 3:

With Individual View of Grades you can filter your desired subjects to edit 

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Step 4:

EX) The view when a student and assignment are selected

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Step 5:

The 3 available buttons at the bottom of the page are:

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1. Compose a message to student

2. Give all students the same grade and you can overwrite other grades here too

3. Enter an average grade for the curve for the assignment. The chart shows a best attempt at curving the grades based on current student scores.


Note: Grade curving cannot be undone (curve history can be viewed but not reversed)



File Submissions

Step 1:

On your web browser, navigate to your Canvas homepage using the following link:

Note: If you are having any issues accessing Canvas please navigate to the Login section.


Step 2:

Open Speed Grader from the assignment

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Step 3:

Select Student and Submission - View

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Step 4:


Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)You can leave comments directly to the submission using the DocViewer tool bar options


Step 5:

View word count 

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)Note: Word count is only supported for PDF, RTF, TXT, and DOCX files



Step 6:

Grade submission

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Add Grade, and you can view rubric 



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Accessing Student View

Step 1:

On your web browser, navigate to your Canvas homepage using the following link:

Note: If you are having any issues accessing Canvas please navigate to the Login section.


Step 2:

Access the tab you want to see from student view. For example, Courses, and locate the upper right corner there is a button with a pair of spectacles, labeled student view

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Providing Feedback

Step 1:

On your web browser, navigate to your Canvas homepage using the following link:

Note: If you are having any issues accessing Canvas please navigate to the Login section.


Step 2:

Locate Grades tab off of Courses and select the student 

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Once you select the student there is a over view of their profile, select Grades button

Step 3:

Select the desired assignment to give feed back on

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Step 4:

There will be a comments box, select save to post the text or attach a file.

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Article ID: 159512
Wed 5/29/24 1:19 PM
Mon 9/16/24 1:30 PM