What Is It?
Etrieve Forms is an electronic form solution that allows students and employees to review, approve, deny, comment, and re-route forms as needed, eliminating the need for paper.
Who Can Use It?
Montana Tech Classified Employees
Where Can I Access It?
Log into MyMTech and use the menu to get to the Administrative Services page
Video instructions
If you would prefer to view these instructions as a video rather than text, please go here to view an instructional video on Panopto.
How to fill out a time card
Step 1:
Select 'Forms' then select 'Timecard - Green - Classified Employee':
Step 2:
Once the timecard loads, fill it out accordingly:
If your credentials don't automatically populate in the 'Employee Information' section, try refreshing the page and they should populate afterward.
- You must have an entry for each day, even if hours weren't worked.
- If you wish to have multiple time types for a single day, you must fill out one entry and then select 'Add Entry' for the corresponding day:
It should look something like this:
You may add more entries if you please. If you wish to delete an entry, just click on the red 'X' icon for the corresponding entry.
Step 3:
Once you have reached the end of the timecard, you can see your summary at the very bottom:
Confirm that these numbers are accurate and if you need to make changes, scroll back up to the day(s) you need to adjust and do so there.
Step 4:
If everything looks good, click the 'Submit' button at the very bottom of the page:
Note: If you click 'Submit' and realize you need to make changes afterward, you MUST contact the Payroll Office to have them delete the submitted timecard. Then you must recreate an entirely new timecard starting back from Step 1. Please make sure that all the information is 100% accurate before submitting your timecard.
What if I didn't take any leave?
If you did not take any leave during the pay period, you can speed up the time card process by selecting "No" in the dropdown shown below. This will automatically set the time type for weekends to "none", and weekdays to "Regular Work". NOTE: You will still have to enter the number of hours worked for each weekday.
Submitting a time card with multiple time types on the same day
If you need to indicate multiple types of leave on the same day (e.g. Jury Duty and Vacation), you may click "Add Entry" under the desired day.
This will expand the section under that day to allow you to enter another time type for that day.
Submitting a time card with a different department index than normal
If for any reason you need to submit your time card with a different department index than the one that is auto-filled for your account, you may manually change the department index near the top of the form, or even click the "Add Index" button to use multiple department indexes and assign a percentage to each one.
What to do with overtime?
If you worked overtime hours during a pay period, fill out the Orange - Classified Overtime time card here.
How to submit a time card for a past pay period?
If you need to submit a time card for a pay period other than the current one, use the "Pay Period" dropdown menu to select a different date range.
What to do if the time card is returned to you?
The pay office may reject an incorrect time card, in which case you will be notified that it has been returned to you. If this is the case, start by viewing the history of the time card, as a comment may have been left explaining why it was rejected.
How to view the history of a time card
You may view the history of a time card by clicking the "History" button at the bottom of the form. This will show you who the form has been routed to previously, as well as any comments that have been left by another person in the workflow.