What is It?
A step-by-step guide to creating a Work Order using Accruent/FAMIS. All current Staff and Faculty at Montana Tech have access. This form is best tackled with a top-down approach because selections you make early on influence what you can select further down the form.
Note: Any field with a red asterisk mark (✱) is a required field.
How to Create a Work Order in Accruent/Famis
Step 1:
Navigate to UM Famis portal using following link: https://login.umt.edu/idp/profile/SAML2/Unsolicited/SSO?providerId=umt.famis.com
Step 2:
Sign in with your NetID and password.

Step 3:
Navigate to the Create Request tab.

Step 4:
In the property section, select the building in which you are requesting a service.

Step 5:
Select the appropriate floor from the dropdown menu.

Step 6:
Select the appropriate room number from the dropdown menu labeled "Space."

Step 7:
Select a Type from the dropdown menu.
- Note: All work requests should fit into one of these general categories.

Step 8:
To further refine the nature of your request, select a Sub Type from the dropdown menu.

Step 9:
Select a Priority from the dropdown menu.

Step 10:
Please provide a description of the order in the "Describe your Request" text box.
- Avoid starting with phrase like “May I please have someone fix...” Instead, use a brief 20-character summary, like "DHC102 LIGHT OUT."
- Provide a detailed description so that we know precisely what it is you are requesting.
- For an example, refer to the figure below.

Step 11:
Verify all contact information in the "Who is making the request?" section.
- The default contact settings are retrieved from the Banner User record.

Step 12:
You now have the option to add yourself as a watcher. If you wish to be a watcher select, "Add Myself as a Watcher."

Step 13:
If you would like to receive notifications regarding your work order request, check the box under "Notification?"

Step 14:
If needed, complete the "Requested Completion Date" section for when the work should be completed.
- Include the "Requested Completion Date" in the description section.

Step 15:
Navigate to the Accounts slider, then select "Add Banner Index and Account."

Step 16:
To add a new account string select "Add New."

Step 17:
In the pop up screen, start at the top and enter your Index number in the Banner Index field.
- If you are unsure on how to complete this section, please reach out to your department head.
- If you are having any problems, please email the work order desk (facilitiesworkorders@mtech.edu) or call 406-496-4168 and provide your NetID and contact information.

Step 18:
You will likely see some combination of the Index, Fund, Org, and Program fields populate once you’ve made your selection.

Step 19:
Enter your account information in the Account field, then select "Add."

Step 20:
Your account string is now created. You will notice a "percentage" area. This allows you to allocate charges to multiple account strings simultaneously.

Step 21:
To assign a parent work order, choose "Select Parent."

Step 22:
To assign a child work order, choose "Select Child."

Step 23:
Select "OK" to submit your work order request.

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