Oredigger Web Incorrect Links Solution

What is it?

This document serves as a functional guide to resolve an issue with Oredigger web having the incorrect links.

Who is affected by this?

Both Students and Faculty members can and have been affected by this problem.

Details on the subject:

When the language setting on Oredigger web is not set to ‘English (United States)’ the users are brought to a landing page that looks similar, but has the incorrect links.
The solution to this problem is to ensure that the language setting for Oredigger web is set to: ‘English (United States)’.

Steps to resolve:

Step 1: Click on settings icon near the top right


Step 2: Select 'Language Setting' from the drop down


Step 3: Select/Search for the following: 'English (United States)'


Step 4: Save your selection


Step 5: Sign out and back in


Step 6: If the problem persists, please contact the Help desk at ithelpdesk@mtech.edu or call at (406) 496-4244 so we can investigate the issue further.

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