Registering for Microsoft Authenticator

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What is it?

You must register for the Microsoft Authenticator tool to log in to Montana Tech services. This article will go through the process of setting up the Microsoft Authenticator.


IMPORTANT: If you are already being prompted for a code, then it has already been set up. If you can't find the code it is prompting you for, the I.T. Helpdesk will need to reset your authentication method. This is most easily done if you can bring a photo ID to the IT helpdesk office at MG 110.

Who Can Use It?

Anyone with a Montana Tech account.

Registering for the Microsoft Authenticator Tool

Step 1: Download the Microsoft Authenticator app onto your phone.

Screenshot of Microsoft Authenticator app download screen


Step 2: Click on "Add Account".

Screenshot of Microsoft Authenticator app with 'Add Account' option


Step 3: Select "Work or School Account".

Screenshot of account type selection in Microsoft Authenticator


Step 4: Press "Scan QR code".

Screenshot showing 'Scan QR Code' option in Microsoft Authenticator


Complete the following steps on the device where you are adding the authentication method.

Step 5: Either log in to your email for the first time without the authentication method set up, or go to "Security Info" in your account settings and press "Add a new sign-in method".

To locate "Security Info", navigate to the circle in the top right-hand corner of your Montana Tech email inbox, and click "View account".

Screenshot showing where to find 'Security Info' in Montana Tech email settings


Step 6: On the left-hand side of the screen, select "Security Info". Select "Add sign-in method" and choose "Authenticator App".

Screenshot of 'Add sign-in method' page with 'Authenticator App' selected


Note: If you are prompted to enter or receive a code to proceed, you may need a Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) reset. Please contact the IT Helpdesk at 406-496-4244 or submit a ticket using this link.

Step 7: You will see a page that looks like this. Click "Next".

Screenshot of the page to continue setup, with 'Next' button visible


Step 8: Click "Next".

Screenshot with a prompt to proceed to the next step in setup


Step 9: A QR code will pop up on the screen. Scan the code with your phone and then click "Next" on the website. A test run will ensure it is set up correctly. Enter the number displayed on the computer into your phone.

Screenshot of the QR code to be scanned
Screenshot of Microsoft Authenticator on mobile device ready to scan QR code

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