Course Evaluations

What Is It?

Since 2005 Montana Tech has run its own Course Evaluation software, that is entirely anonymous, and optional.

Who Can Use It?

Students who have an course evaluation to take.

Faculty with active accounts who have taught courses, Department Heads, Deans, certain administrators.

Where Can I Get It?

Course Evaluations can be found at

You can use the "Report a Problem" button to tell us about a problem with Course Evaluations or let us know you would like to delegate access to your results.

Deadlines for Instructors to Enroll in Online Course Evaluations

You will only be able to Opt-In for online evaluations during the following times.

  • Spring:
    • Starting 20 calendar days after the beginning of the class. Ending 4 calendar weeks before the end of the class.
  • Fall:
    • Starting 20 calendar days after the beginning of the class. Ending 4 calendar weeks before the end of the class.
  • Summer Full Semester:
    • Starting 14 calendar days after the beginning of the class. Ending 10 calendar days before the end of the class.
  • Summer First Session:
    • Starting 8 calendar days after the beginning of the class. Ending 10 calendar days before the end of the class.
  • Summer Second Session:
    • Starting 8 calendar days after the beginning of the class. Ending 10 calendar days before the end of the class.

You will only see courses that fall within these time lines. If you don't see your course the start date may not have passed yet. Don't forget to come back and add that course after it has started.

Courses listed as online only will be enrolled automatically, if you prefer a paper evaluation for one of these courses please login and remove it from the list.


  • Students who have a survey to take will be reminded from the date the survey opens until the course ends.
  • Additionally when a student clicks on their course they will be taken to the survey, unless they have already taken the survey.
  • Students are offered a mobile friendly survey.
  • To protect students evaluation results are not available until after grades are rolled. To protect faculty students will not be able to take an evaluation after the course ends.
  • Faculty can see paper evaluations. These may take several additional weeks to import. (student comments are not available on imported surveys)
  • At the top of each evaluation statistics are provided.
  • Multiple instructors can be evaluated for each course.
  • Instructors can add all their courses.
  • Department Heads can add any single instructors courses or the entire department.
  • Deans can add any single instructors courses, or an entire department.
  • Evaluations can be exported to excel file.
  • Deans and Department Heads are able to see:
    • Who has viewed an evaluation?
    • Which evaluations should have been offered but aren't in the system?
    • Which evaluations have not been viewed?
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