Compromised Account

What Is It?

This service is for people who know are have reason to believe that their Montana Tech account has been compromised. Contact the I.T. Help Desk 406-496-4244, verify your identity and walk you through steps to reclaim your Montana Tech account.

What is going to happen next?

I.T. will take several steps to help you through this process:

  1. Scan your computer to remove any existing Viruses, Malware, etc...
  2. Reset your password.
  3. Remove any mailbox delegations that were set up by the attackers
  4. Disable any mail forwarding rules to external domains and remove any mailbox forwarding properties.
  5. Please See Additional Information Below

Who Can Use It?

Anyone with a Montana Tech account that feels like their account has been compromised.

Where Can I Get It?

Use the "Report a Problem" button on the right.

Additional Information

If your account is compromised you should assume any place that you used the same password is also compromised. You should immediately change the password to any service that shared your Montana Tech password. Other services could include banks, online shopping sites, entertainment sites, digital storage areas, etc...


Report a Problem

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The fraudulent practice of sending emails purporting to be from legitimate companies in order to induce individuals to reveal personal information or otherwise compromise their accounts or computers.

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