Manually Enrolling Users into a Course

What Is It?

Instructors with the manual enrollment permission have the ability to enroll users into their course.

  • Note: This is not a replacement for enrolling a student into a course. Students who are participating in a course must still be enrolled through Enrollment Services. If you need to add a TA to a course, you must still submit a ticket here so Enrollment Services can verify that the student completed employment paperwork and the FERPA exam.

How to Enroll a Student

Step 1:

On your web browser, navigate to your Moodle homepage using the following link:

Step 2:

All of your courses are listed on the homepage. Select the one relevant to this guide.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Step 3: 

Select "Participants" from the course tab menu.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Step 4: 

Select "Enroll users." There are two spots where you can select this. The first is located directly under the course tab, the second is located on the bottom right part of the page as outlined in the figure below.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Step 5: 

A pop-up screen should appear. From here you will have the option to lookup users and assign roles. 

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Step 6: 

Once you finish adding users, select "Enroll users."

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Step 7: 

You will now be brought back to a screen which shows all enrolled users.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


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