Online Learning

Moodle, Web Conferencing Tools (Zoom, Skype, Teams), Best Practices

Categories (10)

OneDrive & File Sharing

Using OneDrive to share large files, accessing shared folders.

Installing Microsoft Software

Instructions for installing Office on your personal device. Your university computer will come with Office preinstalled, if you need a new version please contact I.T.

Articles (9)

Pinned Article CRNs

A CRN stands for Course Reference Number. It is five-digits long, and is assigned to each section of a course.

Pinned Article Looking for an article?

Tips on locating an article.

Accommodation Software - Read & Write

Montana Tech offers disability accommodation software to assist students, faculty, staff, and alumni with disabilities.

Classes Are Missing in MyMTech

It takes 24 hours after registration for your course information to be automatically pushed to the MyMTech system. If you registered longer than 24 hours ago and the course has already started, contact the I.T. Help Desk. If you have been registered more than 24 hours, check to see if you have any courses that are hidden.

Cybersecurity Reminder

Information regarding Cybersecurity

General FAQ

MyMTech/Moodle won't let me log in. What could be the problem? Moodles keeps sending notifications to my email, how do I fix this? Why does everything look so weird when I try to copy text from a Word document and paste it into Moodle? Who do I contact for more support?

How to Favorite a Service

How to favorite services and access them.

Introduction to Moodle

What is Moodle? How to access your Moodle account. Links to useful pages