How to access Orediggerweb for Faculty?
Orediggerweb links can be accessed from the dashboard of MyMTech at
Underneath the "Orediggerweb" heading of MyMTech, click "Faculty and Advisors"
If you have trouble logging into your account, please contact the IT Help Desk at (406) 496-4244 or visit the IT Help Desk in MG 110.
Entering grades
Follow the following steps to access grade entry on Orediggerweb:
- Login to your MyMTech account here
- Click on "Faculty & Advisors" under the Orediggerweb section on the right side of your dashboard
- The Faculty Services menu will be displayed. Click on "Faculty Grade Entry". This will take you to the faculty grade entry page
Searching for student information
Follow the following steps to access the student search function in Orediggerweb:
- Login to your MyMTech account here
- Click on "Faculty & Advisors" under the Orediggerweb section on the right side of your dashboard
- Click on "Student Search"
- Select a term from the dropdown box titled "Term"
- Enter the student ID and last name for a student
- In the search results, click on the student you are searching for
Accessing your class list/enrollments
- Login to your MyMTech account here
- Click on the words ‘Faculty & Advisors’ under the Orediggerweb menu on the right side of the website
- The Faculty Services Menu will be displayed. Click on the words “Class List”. This will take you to a new window with a list of your classes
- Choose a class list from any term by clicking the down arrow next to "All Terms"
- To see a class list, click on the class you want to see under the column Subject. This will display a list of students in the class
- To close close this page click on the X on the tab for this window
Accessing student transcripts
- Login to your MyMTech account here
- Click on the words ‘Faculty & Advisors’ under the Orediggerweb menu on the right side of the website
- Click on "Student Search"
- Select a term from the drop down menu under "Term"
- Enter the student ID or student last name
- Click "Submit"
- Click on the desired student's name in the search results
- Click on Academic Transcript from the left menu of the Student Profile
Accessing a student profile
- Login to your MyMTech account here
- Click on the words ‘Faculty & Advisors’ under the Orediggerweb menu on the right side of the website
- Click on "Student Search"
- Select a term from the drop down menu under "Term"
- Enter the student ID or student last name
- Click "Submit"
- Click on the desired student's name in the search results