Setup/Enrolling in DUO

What is it?

DUO is a two-factor authentication system. This allows our accounts to be more secure since you need to authenticate your identity twice.

Who Can Use It?

Anyone with Montana tech Account.

Table of Contents

  1. First-Time Duo Setup
  2. Phone Call
  3. App
  4. Adding another method
  5. FAQ

First-Time Duo Setup

Duo setup will be requested once you log into you Mtech account. If you are currently logged in log out and log back in to get the window below

Step 1:

Once you log into your Mtech account you will be redirected to this Duo Security Page. Click Next

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Step 2:

Then it will give you information on data breaches. Click Next

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Step 3:

Then they explain what you can do to keep yourself more secure. Click Next

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Step 4:

After it will give you three options. Currently the security key is not an option. Click either Duo Mobile or Phone Number.

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If you selected phone number you can continue below or click here to be brought to that section in the Article

If you selected Duo Mobile you can click here to be brought to that section in the Article

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Phone Call

Logging into Duo with a Phone Call

Step 1:

Once you go through the statistical facts, you will be prompted to choose a way to log in with Duo. This section covers logging in with a phone call, so pick that one.

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Step 2:

Input your phone number into the box that asks for it.

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After the phone number is entered, it will ask you to confirm it in another window

Step 3:

After that, you will be prompted again if you want to add another method to log in. This section does not cover that, but a later section will, so just skip for now.

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Step 4:
Once this is done, you can now call your phone to access your account

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Step 5:

You should then receive a call from this number, and you just need to enter any key to verify it, and then you should be logged in.

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This section will cover logging in with the Duo app.

Step 1:

After going through the First-time section you will be brought to this page. Select the Duo Mobile app option to log in with.

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Step 2:

Enter your phone number

Note: Currently the Tablet option is not available.

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Step 3:

Then download the Duo Mobile app on your phone and click next it will give you a QR code to scan with your phone.

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Step 4:

Go to your App store or Google play store and download the duo Mobile. If you already have the app downloaded, you will have an open button in its place instead. (App Store on the Top Google Play Store on the Bottom)

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Step 5:

Choose set up new account if you've never used Duo before.

Step 6:

Open the app and tap continue. It will then ask you to select scan QR code or another option. You want to Select Scan QR code. It will then request access to your camera. Accept the request and scan the code.

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Step 7:

Once that’s done your account will now be linked. You can practice or skip onto the next step

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Step 8:

You can also turn on notifications here skip and turn them on later.

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Step 9:

Here you can turn the collect usage data feature on or off.

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Step 10:

Press OK and return to your computer to finish the process

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Step 11:

Back on your computer now. From here click continue

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Step 12:

It will ask if you want to add another way to log in. We will click skip for now.

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Step 13:

Select Trust browser or do not trust browser

NOTE: If you Trust browser, it will only work on this browser on this computer. If you use another browser or switch computers or Clear your cache, you will have to go through a shorter process to enable it.

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Adding another method

Step 1:

If you want to add another method, when you try and log in, instead of calling your phone, you want to click other options.

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Step 2:

After other options you will be prompted with other options. Click on manage devices. 

NOTE: the bypass code is not offered at this time.

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Step 3:

In order to manage devices, you will have to verify it is you. This will only be able to be done using the device you perviously setup.

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Step 4:

Once you verify it is you, then you will want to click on “Add a device”

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Step 5:

From there, you can click any of the other methods you would like to add for more ways to login.

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I lost or forgot my multi-factor device.  Now what?

If you have an additional device enrolled, use it to login. Otherwise, call the MT IT Help Desk at (406) 496-4244 to receive a temporary passcode and to receive assistance in enrolling another device after verbally verifying your identity.

Why does Duo Mobile ask for permission to use my camera?

Duo Mobile only needs permission to use your camera when you set up your smartphone or tablet. It only uses your camera to scan the Quick Response (QR) code used for activation. After activation, Duo Mobile doesn’t access your camera. You can remove this permission and Duo Mobile will work fine.

Can more than one person enroll the same landline?

Yes, more than one person can set up and use the same landline. 

What should I do if I receive a request to sign in with Duo that I did not initiate?

Do NOT approve Duo Mobile push notifications or Duo phone calls that you didn’t initiate yourself. They may be fraudulent, unauthorized attempts to sign in as you. Only approve MFA requests you initiate yourself, knowingly and intentionally. If you believe someone is trying to use your account, please report it immediately by sending an e-mail to

My browser doesn't remember me. Now what?

The "Remember Me" functionality requires persistent cookies in your browser. If your browser is not remembering that you checked the "Remember Me" box, then check the cookie settings of your browser. Chrome's "incognito" setting, Firefox's "private window", and Internet Explorer's/Edge's "InPrivate" settings will affect this behavior and the "Remember Me" feature will not work.

Should I enroll more than one device?

To avoid being locked out of your account, MT IT recommends adding a second phone number in case your primary device is lost or stolen. To add a new device, select "My Settings and Devices" on the DUO login screen, then "Add a New Device." You don't need more than one device to use DUO, but it is best practice to do so.

Switching to a Different login method. 

The Universal Prompt does not have a way to configure a default authentication device. Instead, it will always prompt you for your last-used authentication method. If you select an option and authenticate with it, Duo will remember and continue to automatically prompt you with it until you authenticate with a different method. To choose a different authentication method from what is provided initially in the prompt: 

Step 1: In the Universal Prompt, select Other options

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Step 2: Select from the options available to you and complete logging in. (The options provided in the list will depend on your enrolled devices and permitted authentication methods.) 

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Next time you log in, the Universal Prompt will ask you to use the method you chose in step 2. 

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Article ID: 152659
Wed 6/28/23 12:25 PM
Thu 8/10/23 10:09 AM

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