
What Is It?

To navigate through Canvas, you will use the tabs at the top of the page. This article explains each of these tabs.

Who Can Use It?

Anyone with access to a Canvas course.

Where Can I Use It?

Note: We recommend using Google Chrome to access Canvas and Canvas course material,

Other web browsers such as Safari tend to have issues with Canvas third party applications


The home page includes any important announcements.


From the homepage, select the "Account" tab on the left to log out, check notifications, edit your profile, and adjust settings. This tab includes shared content, QR codes for mobile login, and announcements for new Canvas features.

Account settings navigation options


The Dashboard includes calendars, assignments, events, and an overview of your courses.

Canvas dashboard overview

Note: This section will aprear on the  left side of the screen under "To Do"

My Courses

The "Courses" tab shows all courses you are enrolled in. Selecting a course takes you directly into it.


Groups allow you to communicate and collaborate with classmates. Instructors can assign you to a group. Each group has a set of options on the left for navigating announcements, files, and discussions.

Canvas group navigation options


The "History" tab allows you to see and revisit pages you’ve previously viewed.

Canvas history tab

Canvas Support

*Note when you contact canvas support the Mtech Canvas admins will recieve a copy of the support transcript*

If you encounter technical issues or questions, you can reach out to Canvas Support via "Help" > "Chat with Canvas Support (Student)".

Canvas support chat option

After entering your details, a chat window will open to communicate with an agent.

Canvas support chat window

Canvas Support contact information is also available by phone.

Canvas support phone number

Additionally, you can submit issues or contact your professor using the options shown below.

Canvas report issue option