Student Assignments

Table of Contents

  1. Submitting
  2. Online Text Submitting

Submitting Assignments

Tags submit  assignment  moodle

What Is It?

Students are often required to submit assignments in Canvas.

Who Can Use It?

Montana Tech Students

Where Can I Access It?


Step 1: Click into the assignments tab in Canvas.  

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

From the Assignments page, select the assignment you wish to submit from. 

Step 2: Clicking add submission..

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

1. The Assignment name and Description.

2. The due date and how many days and hours remain till then.

3. How many attempts remain if the assignment is allowed to be submitted multiple times.

3. The button to click to submit the assignment.


Step 3: To upload an assignment click "Upload". This will highlight the "Upload" button and bring up the following screen.

Step 4: Select the file you wish to upload from your device and either drag it or double click the file to upload it into the submission box.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Once the file has been selected, you can either upload more files if the assignment calls for more, or submit the file and hit "submit assignment".



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Submitting Online Text Assignments

Tags submit  online  assignment

What Is It?

To Submit Online Text Assigments in Moodle, follow the steps below.

Who Can Use It?

Montana Tech Students

Where Can I Access It?


To submit an online text assignment, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Locate the assignment in your course.

Step 2: Open the assignment and carefully read the directions provided by your instructor, noting the due date.

Step 3: Click the "Text" option, which will pull up the box outlined below.

Step 4: In the Online text box, type your response.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Step 5: When you are finished, click the Save Changes button.

Step 6: Your instructor may or may not allow you to edit your assignment once it's been submitted, so make sure you double-check your work before submitting.

*If you are writing an extensive amount of text or will be writing for an extended period of time, be sure to save a back-up copy of your writing in a text editor before you click the 'Save changes' button and submit your work. That way, if the system times you out while you're writing, your work won't be lost. This is very important.....when in doubt, back-up your work!

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Wed 5/29/24 8:32 AM
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