Importing and Exporting on Canvas

What Is It?

How to import and export on Canvas. 

Table of Contents

  1. Signing into Canvas
  2. Export Gradebook to Excel
  3. Import Gradebook to Excel
  4. Export Graded Column
  5. Importing to Banner

Signing into Canvas

Step 1:

In your web browser, navigate to your Canvas using the following link:



Step 2:

Enter your username and password and then select "SIGN IN."

  • Note: Links to help with passwords are on the Web Sign-on page. Those who cannot log into Canvas should contact the IT Help Center.


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Export Gradebook to Excel

Step 1:

On your web browser, navigate to your Canvas homepage using the following link:


Note: If you are having any issues accessing please navigate to the Login section.



Step 2:

Navigate Grades from the Course tab.

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Step 3:

(Click to view full) Select "Export" from upper left corner of page

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If you are using grading periods and want all grading periods included in your CSV file, click the Export Entire Gradebook link

When export is completed, Canvas downloads the CSV file automatically to your computer

Step 4:

View Previouse Exports

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  • Gradebook export files include the date and time of the download to differentiate between multiple exports. The export filename format is YYYY-MM-DDTHHMM, followed by the course name
  • Gradebook export files automatically save to your user files in an Unfiled folder

Step 5:

Edit Scores

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Edit the scores in Microsoft Excel. Make sure to save the file as a CSV file type.

Once you have made changes, you can upload it to your course.

Step 6:

View Read-Only Columns

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  • Current Points [1]: Reflects points for graded assignments
  • Final Points [2]: Reflects points for all assignments
  • Current Score [3]: Reflects scores for graded, posted assignments
  • Unposted Current Score [4]: Reflects scores for graded assignments and includes hidden assignments
  • Final Score [5]: Reflects overall score including unsubmitted assignments as zero but excluding hidden assignments
  • Unposted Final Score [6]: Reflects total score, including unsubmitted assignments as zero and hidden assignments
  • Current Grade [7]: Reflects course grade based on graded, posted assignments
  • Unposted Current Grade [8]: Reflects course grade based on graded assignments, including hidden assignments but excluding unsubmitted assignments
  • Final Grade [9]: Reflects overall course grade including unsubmitted assignments as zero but excluding hidden assignments
  • Unposted Final Grade [10]: Reflects overall course grade, including unsubmitted assignments as zero and hidden assignment


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Import Gradebook from Excel

Step 1:

Create CSV File

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For new files, save the file as Grades-Course_Name.csv.

Required columns and order

  • Student Name
  • Student ID
  • SIS User ID (only required if you use SIS)
  • SIS Login ID (only required if you use SIS)
  • Section
  • Assignment (this can be for an existing assignment or a new assignment; retain IDs for existing assignments)


Step 2:

Open Grade book

Step 3:

Upload Scores

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Step 4: 

Choose File 

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Step 5:

Open File 

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Locate CVS and then Click Open Button

Step 6:

On your web browser, navigate to your Canvas homepage using the following link:

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Click the Upload Data button.



Step 7:

Upload New Data 

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If you add a new column to the CSV file and then upload the file, Canvas will ask you what you want to do with the new column. In the drop-down menu, choose the A new assignment option [1]. Then assign the number of points possible [2]. Click the Continue button [3].


  • When multiple grading periods is enabled, CSV file uploads cannot create new assignments.
  • New assignments created via a CSV file upload are automatically published and maintain the course posting policy.

Step 8:

Save Changes

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Review the changes made to your Gradebook (1).

Any changes that will result in a lower grade than the previous version are highlighted in red (2)

If you upload assignments with no grade changes, they will be hidden from the upload (3)

Click the Save Changes button (4)

Step 9:

View updated Data

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Export Graded Column

Step 1:

On your web browser, navigate to your Canvas homepage using the following link:

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Step 2:

Open Grades from Course Navigation

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Step 3:

Open Filters to view or manage gradebook filters

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Step 4:

Open Filter Presets

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Click "Create & Manage Filter Presets" link

Step 5:

Create New Filter 

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Select Create Filter Preset expand arrow icon

Step 6:

Add Filter Details

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To save the filter for future use, enter a name in the Preset Name Field.

To add a filter type, click a filter type drop-down menu.

Depending how the course is set up, filter gradebook content by assignment groups, grading periods, modules, sections, student groups, submissions, start dates, and end dates. 

Step 7:

Select Filter Type

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You may select a specific filter type in which to filter Grade book Content.

Filter type field format and listed options vary depending on the selected filter type.

Step 8:

View Sections Filter

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If you selected the Sections filter type (1), course sections display in the Sections drop-down menu.

To view content for a specific section, click the section name (3).

Step 9:

View Assignment Group Filter

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If selected the Assignmet Group filter type, course assignment groups display in the assignment groups drop-down menu.

To view content for a specific assignment group click the assignment group name.

Step 10:

View Module Filter

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If you selected the Module filter type (1),, course modules display in the Modules drop-down menu (2).

To view content for a specific module, click the module name (3).

Step 11:

View student Groups Filter

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If you selected the student group filter type (1), course student group disply in the drop down menu.

To view content for a specific student group, click student group name (3)


If your course does not include student groups, student group option is not displayed


Step 12:

View Grading Periods 

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If you selected the Grading Periods Filter type (1) You can view all grading periods or a specific grading period

Step 13:

View Submissions Filter

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If you select sumissions filter type (1) you can select a specific submission type (2)

Step 14:

View and start and End Date filter

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If selected the Start Date or End Date filter type - View assignments with start date or end date on or after a specific date.

To view assignment6s with starts or end date on or after a specific date, add the date in the Date field.

Step 15:

Save Filter Preset

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To save Filter preset, click save filter preset button

To clear presets click Clear

Step 16:

View filter Preset

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In the Apply Filters menu, view the saved filter preset

Step 17:

Manage Gradebook Filters

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In the Saved Filters Preset sidebar, existing filters display.

To rename a filter, enter a new name in the Filter preset name field (1) 

To manage a filter preset's filter type, click a Filter Type drop-down menu (2)

To delete the filter, click the Delete Preset button (3)

To create a new filter, click the Create Filter Preset expand arrow icon (4)

Step 18:

View Applied filters

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View the filtered gradebook content (1)

Applied filter names display in the Applied Filters section (2)

To remove a filter, click the filter option drop-down menu (3) and click the Remove Filter option (4)

To remove all filters, click the Clear All Filters link (5)

To view gradebook settings, click the Settings icon (6)


Importing to Banner


Step 13: 

Now, you'll need to prepare the file for Banner (OrediggerWeb). Refer to the figure below if you need an example. 

  1. Change the "Institution" header to "TermCode"
  2. Change the "Department" header to "CRN"
  3. Fill in the first cell under TermCode and copy the value into all the following cells.
  4. Fill in the first cell under CRN with the course's CRN and copy the value into all the following cells.
  5. Add another column with the header "Last Attended Date"
  6. Right click the "Email Address" header and then click "Insert". This will add a column to the left of "Email Address".
  7. Type "Last Attended Date" as the header for this column.
  8. If a student has an F in the course, you are required to fill in this field with the last date they attended. Use mm/dd/YYYY format (ex. Jan 3rd 2018 -> 01/03/2018). If you do not fill in this field, the F will not be imported.
  9. Save the file as a new file on the desktop.
  10. Keep all other fields the same.
  11. Now, you are ready to import.

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Now We're Ready to Import

Step 14:

From Banner, open the Faculty Grade Entry App. Click on either "Midterm Grades" or "Final Grades" and then select the course you'll be uploading grades to.

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Step 15: 

Next, you will want to sort your classes so the most recent term appears first. To sort the term from the newest to the oldest, you need to click on the "Term" column twice. (the first click is to select the column and the second click is to change the sort order)

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Step 16: 

Click the gear in the upper right corner of the screen and select "Import" from the list.

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Step 17:

Click on the word "Browse" and select the Excel file with your grades, then click "Upload". Once the file is uploaded, click "Continue"

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Step 18: 

Banner (OrediggerWeb) will now let you preview the spread sheet so you know you selected the current file. Make sure "My Spreadsheet has headers" is checked. Once you are sure you picked the right file, click "Continue".

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Step 19:

Now Banner (OrediggerWeb) will have you map the values of the spreadsheet to the values Banner(OrediggerWeb) is looking for. The four important matches are: ID number -> Student ID, CRN -> CRN, TermCode -> Term Code*, Course total (Letter) -> Final Grade 

  • If any of them are mapped incorrectly, change it using the drop-down menu just above the column header. Once you are sure they are mapped correctly, click "Continue".

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Step 21:

Banner (OrediggerWeb) will now preview what the values will look like in Banner. Click on "Download the validation report" to view any errors. This will open text file with a list of the grades that will not be imported. You can attempt to fix any issues using this report and attempting to import again. Click "Continue" once everything looks correct.

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Step 22:

Banner (OrediggerWeb) will now give you a completion verification and let you know how many records successfully imported. This is your last chance to download the verification report to see which records need to be fixed, and fix the records. Once you are done, click "Finish".

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Wed 5/29/24 11:33 AM
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