Canvas Course Setup (Backup, Navigate, Import, Blocks, Quickmail, Outcomes, Proctorio)

What Is It?

How to setup your Canvas course.

Table of Contents

  1. Signing into Canvas
    • Additional help for signing into Canvas
  2. Accessing Course Administration
    • Allows instructors a large amount of control over the course.
  3. Attendance Block
    • Allows instructors a way to keep track of students' attendance.
  4. Backup Your Course In Canvas
    • A way to move all content of a Canvas course to a new location.
  5. Course Completion Tracking
    • Monitor students' progress through your course, or allow students to track their own progress.
  6. Course Layout
    • Composition of what makes a Canvas course.
  7. Drag and Drop Files
    • How to drag and drop files into your Canvas course.
  8. Groups
    • How to separate students into groups and assign them seperately.
  9. Groupings
    • How to create parent groups to group your groups.
  10. Using Groups with Activities/ Resources
    • How to use groups in Activities/Resources.
  11. How to Hide/Show a Course
    • Choose whether students can see the course or not
  12. How to Import Courses
    • How to copy the contents of one course into another.
  13. Accessing Student View
    • How to see a student's view on your Canvas course.
  14. Icons
    • Icons in Canvas and what they mean.
  15. Managing Course Size
    • Different ways on how to limit how much you are uploading directly to Canvas.
  16. Setting Up Forum Subscriptions to Email
    • Receive emails when a forum submission is made.
  17. Navigation as an Instructor
    • How to navigate your Canvascourse as an instructor.

Signing into Canvas

Step 1:

In your web browser, navigate to your Canvas using the following link:

And sign in with MT Tech. credentials


Accessing Course Administration

What Is It?

The Administration section allows instructors a large amount of control over the course.  It also contains many tools for instructors

Where Can I Access It?

From the Canvas homepage access Admin icon (Click to view full)

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Common Course Administration Tools

Settings: This takes you to the page that allows the user to edit the settings for the course (Change the Format, change the number of weeks or topics, and making the course available to students)

People: This collapsible sub-menu allows the instructor to view enrolled users and manage groups. Instructors can create groups and view all of a courses participants from here

Admin tools: Options for activity name auto-linking, emoticons, and algebraic notation

Grading: This option takes the user to the gradebook

Rubrics: This section allows to you import, export, reset, or restore the course you are teaching

Student View: This collapsible menu allows the user to view and operate Canvas from the perspective of another role. For example, if you switch your role to Student, hidden items will no longer display

Statistics: The reports section allows instructors to access every action that has occurred in the course.  It can be used to look up specific detailed information on any user, what they've looked at, done, and when

Question Banks: Instructors can import question banks from their previous classes. They can also create and apply them from here


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Attendance Block

Step 1:

On your web browser, navigate to your Canvas homepage using the following link:


Step 2:

The external attendance tool must be set up in your course before you may take attendance using it

Step 3:

Open the Attendance tab from Course navigationUploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Step 4:

View Attendance 

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   Roll Call = List View tab (1), which shows all students in a list format

   View class in seating chart format: click Class View tab (2)

If course includes sections, both views show a drop-down menu with the names of course section(s)

   View students in specific section, click the section drop-down menu (3)

Note that this menu displays even if your course only contains one section


 When a student is enrolled in multiple sections, any attendance that has been marked in one section does not display in all other section filters where the student is enrolled

Step 5:

View Attendance Dates

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   Roll Call will display the current date

   Edit attendance records for a different date by using the arrow icons next to the date / by clicking the Calendar icon

Step 6:

Take Attendance in List View

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   List View

Take attendance by selecting the correct mark next to each student's name

Click the attendance mark until you arrive at the desired mark

  • To mark student as present and on time, click one time (green check mark icon)
  • To mark student as not present, click two times (red icon)
  • To mark student as late, click three times (orange clock icon)
  • To un-mark the attendance status, leave the button gray no symbol icon.

Un-marked attendance status also indicates excused absence

   You can also take attendance by clicking the Mark All Present button (2)

   If you need to start over or clear all attendance entries, click the Un-mark All button (3)


Step 7: 

Take attendance in Class View

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 Class View

  Select the correct mark next to each student's name (present, absent, or late) 

Or click Mark All Present button 

   To un-mark all student entries, click the Un-mark All button 


Step 8:

Add Badges to Roll Call

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   As part of the Entry

 View more options for the student and add the selected badge


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Backup Your Course in Canvas

Step 1:

On your web browser, navigate to your Canvas homepage using the following link:




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Course Completion Tracking

Step 1:

On your web browser, navigate to your Canvas homepage using the following link:



Step 2:

Select the Course desired


Step 3:

Open Progress in the drop down menu click progress link 

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Step 4:

Open Learner Progress

Step 5:

And View progresses

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   Learner progress shows in a table format and displays an overview of learner badges in a group.

You can view and sort by

The learners name (1) 

Last badge earned (2)

Progress (3)

   To view a learner's completion status and pathway progress, click the Details link (4)

   To export the learner progress, click the Export as CSV button (5)


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Drag and Drop Files

Step 1:

On your web browser, navigate to your Canvas homepage using the following link:


Step 2:

From Course navigation locate Pages

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Step 3:

   In the RCE (Rich Content Editor) you have 3 options to drag and drop from. 

Upload Image (from device)

Course Images

User Images

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

 From here, Drag and Drop or select what is desired and link

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Groups/Group Sets


Step 1:

On your web browser, navigate to your Canvas homepage using the following link:



Step 2:

Locate the People tab from Course navigation

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Step 3: 

   At People, select + Group Set

 Within a Group Set, Create multiple groups where you may assign students to self sign up to groups

You have the option to also require certain students to be in certain groups


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By default you are able to manually create groups

or have canvas automatically create,

You may add group number limitations

Leadership automatic option creates leaders for each group out of random



Step 4:

Once saved, return to the page at hand and you may view the newly added group

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Step 5:

From the options menu on group set you can

Message students not participating in a group

randomly assign students to groups

Edit group name, sign up, and leadership options

Copy the group

Delete the group

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Group Set Notes

Within a Group set, you can have multiple groups, and move students to make a new group. 

e.g)  A class can have 20 people, and you can make as many groups as possible

i.e) 1 group set = 4 groups with 5 students each 

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Step 1:

On your web browser, navigate to your Canvas homepage using the following link:

Locate People from navigation

Step 2:

Add a Group to a Group Set by selecting +Group

   Enter a Group name (as well as a member limit)

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)   This section displays all groups in the section as well as students

   To manage options select the kebab

Visit homepage to view activity

Edit Group name and student limit

Or delete a Group

Step 3: 

To manually bump a student to a Group drag and drop their name to a group on the right

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


you can select the + next to their name and select from there

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You may search a student to find them from the bar


Step 5:

   You can bump students from one group to a different group by dragging their name to it

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

OR by selecting the kabab and choosing Move To... and choose appropriate group

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


Step 6:

   Select the kabob in the right corner of the page next to +Group and you have the selection of

Message all or any students not participating in Groups

Randomly assigning students to Groups

Editing Group Name, Student Leadership option, and Sign Up options

Copy the Group set

Delete Group

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Step 7: 

   Manually add Group to Group set by clicking +Group button

Enter name and member limit and save

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Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Step 8: 

   Group section lists all groups in set

   To manage select group options kebab on the right of the groups column

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   You may

Visit a Groups home page and view activity

Edit Group a name and student limit 

Delete a Group

Step 9:

   Manually assign student leader

select the kebab and choose the highlighted option 

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Step 10:

   Create Group Assignments and Discussions with Group Sets in a course (Assignments Details page)

Scroll down until you find the Group Assignment box

1. Select This is a Group Assignment 

2. If you want to Grade Individually, select the box that prompts that option

3. Group set drop down menu

4. Select a Group Set 

5. New Group Category means you can create a new group set from within the assignment page

   (Click to View Full)

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Once students submit to a group assignment, Group Settings can not be changed


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How to Hide/ Show a Course

Step 1:

   On your web browser, navigate to your Canvas homepage using the following link:



Step 2:

   Locate Admin from your Navigation Bar

Step 3:

   Click User Name drop down menu

Select Admin

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Step 4: 

   Select Catalogs tab 

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Step 5:

   Select desired catalog (name of the root catalog)

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Step 6:

  View Catalog Info

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   In the Account Navigation menu, the Catalog Info tab displays by default

Step 7:

   ​​​​​​Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

To show Canvas-enrolled courses from Student Dashboard click the Show Canvas-enrolled Courses on Dashboard toggle on.

Step 8:

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How to Import Courses

Step 1:

On your web browser, navigate to your Canvas homepage using the following link:


Step 2:

Locate and select Import Existing Content from course navigation homepage

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Step 3:


Content Type drop down menu: Select the type you want to import

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

   You can import content

directly from another Canvas course by selecting the Copy a Canvas Course option

You can also import course content packages from Canvas, Unzip Course Content Files,

And upload course content files from another LMS, or upload a QTI file


Step 4:

   Copy content from another Canvas course

Select a course drop-down menu or type the name of a course in the Course name search field   

   Include concluded courses in your search

Click the Include completed courses check box

   Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

   Automatically adjust event and due dates in the import

Step 5:

To begin the content import, click the Import button

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

To select specific content for your import

    click the Select Content button



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Accessing Student View

Step 1:

On your web browser, navigate to your Canvas homepage using the following link:


Note: If you are having any issues accessing Canvas please navigate to the Login section.


Step 2:

On the homepage you can locate the Admin navigation tab and select people. Choose which member you would like to masquerade as

and select the mask on the right of their row

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Step 2:

Locate Course navigation and see the "View as Student" Button in the upper right corner of the page

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A list of icons on Canvas and their meanings


Assignments  Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
Indicates assignments on the Assignments page, including external tool assignments
Calendar Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
Indicates assignments with a due date that occurs on the calendar date. For instructors, the same assignment may display on multiple dates if differentiated due dates have been assigned
Dashboard Uploaded Image (Thumbnail) Course Card assignment icons link directly to the course Assignments page
Dashboard Uploaded Image (Thumbnail) To Do list assignment icons indicate assignments, including external tool assignments and New Quizzes
Dashboard Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

The Coming Up list assignment icon indicates assignments with due dates within the next seven days.


External tool assignments, including New Quizzes, are also indicated by the Assignment icon

Discussions  Uploaded Image (Thumbnail) Indicates all graded discussions in the Discussions page
Grade book Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Indicates an assignment that meets one of the following conditions:

  • a submission has been received but has not been graded
  • a submission was graded but the grade was removed by the instructor
  • a submission was resubmitted
  • a quiz was submitted, but is not fully graded
Modules Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
Indicates assignments that have been added as a module item
New Analytics Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Indicates assignments in the Course Grade chart.


External tool assignments, including New Quizzes, are also indicated by the Assignment icon

Outcomes Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
Indicates assignments, discussions, and quizzes in the Aligned Items section
People Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Displays next to graded and un-graded assignments in the Course Access Report.


The icon does not display for external tool assignments

Syllabus Uploaded Image (Thumbnail) Indicates assignments, quizzes, and discussions listed in the syllabus





Uploaded Image (Thumbnail) The icon next to a file name indicates the file is attached. The icon on a button allows you to attach a file
Modules Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
Indicates there is a file to download or view

Discussion Icon

Assignments Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
Indicates discussions on the Assignments page
Calendar Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
Indicates discussions with a due date that occurs on the calendar date. For instructors, the same discussion may display on multiple dates if differentiated due dates have been assigned
Dashboard Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
Coming Up list discussion icons indicate discussions with due dates within the next seven days
Dashboard Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Course Card discussion icons link to the course Discussions page [1].


A badge indicates that there is a new discussion in the course [2]. The number in the badge indicates the number of new discussions

Grades Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Score column discussion icons indicate a graded discussion that is submitted, but not graded [1].


When displayed to the right of the Out of column, the Discussion icon indicates

instructor comments [2].

Modules Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
Indicates discussions on the Modules page
New Analytics Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
Indicates discussions in the Course Grade chart
People Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
Indicates discussions and announcements in the Course Access Report
People Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
Identifies the Interactions Report link in the User Details page

Page Icon

Assignments Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Indicates pages that display in the Assignments page.


Pages display in the Assignments page if they have a To Do date

Calendar Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
Indicates pages with a To Do date that occurs on that calendar date
Grades Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
Indicates an assignment with a file upload that is not yet graded
People Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
Indicates pages in the Course Access Report

Quiz Icon

Assignments Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Indicates quizzes on the Assignments page.


For instructors, Quizzes created with Classic Quizzes display an outlined Quiz icon [1].

For instructors, Quizzes created with New Quizzes display a filled Quiz icon [2].

Note: For students, Quizzes created with New and Classic Quizzes display a filled Quiz icon

Calendar Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Indicates quizzes with a due date that occurs on the calendar date.

The same quiz may display on multiple dates if differentiated due dates have been assigned.


Note: Quizzes created with New Quizzes display the Assignment icon in the calendar

Dashboard Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
Indicates quizzes with due dates within the next seven days
Grades Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Indicates a quiz that is submitted but not fully graded.


The icon also displays after a quiz is edited and if the changes necessitate manual re-grading

Modules Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Indicates quizzes on the Modules page.


Note: Quizzes created with New Quizzes display the Assignment icon

New analytics Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Indicates quizzes in the Course Grade chart.


Note: Quizzes created with New Quizzes display the Assignment icon

Quizzes Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Indicates quizzes on the Quizzes page.


For instructors, Quizzes created with Classic Quizzes display an outlined Quiz icon [1].

For instructors, Quizzes created with New Quizzes display a filled Quiz icon [2].

Note: For students, Quizzes created with New and Classic Quizzes display a filled Quiz icon

Visibility Icon


Announcements Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
Indicates an announcement reply filtering option. Instructors can click the icon to display or hide deleted announcement replies
Course Navigation Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Indicates core Course Navigation links that are hidden to students


Note: If the Course Navigation link for an external (LTI
) tool has been disabled in course settings, the link will not display in the Course Navigation menu

Discussions Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
Indicates a discussion reply filtering option. Instructors can click the icon to display or hide deleted discussion replies
Grade book Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
Indicates an assignment with grades hidden from student view
Grades page Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
Indicates that a student’s grade has been hidden by the instructor
Speed Grader Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Indicates grade visibility status for an assignment.


If all grades are visible to students, the icon displays as an eye.


If any grades are hidden for the assignment, the icon displays a slash

Warning Icon

Files Uploaded Image (Thumbnail) Indicates usage rights not set
Grade Book Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

The black warning Icon [1] notifies you that the final score does not include one or more assignment groups because they have zero points possible. Click the icon to view the excluded assignment group(s). This icon only displays in the Total column related to assignment group errors.


The red warning icon [2] notifies you that the entered grade is not supported in the grading scheme. Canvas also displays an invalid grade warning message when an invalid grade is entered

Grade Detail Tray Uploaded Image (Thumbnail) Indicates assignments that are not calculated as part of the final grade.
Student Grades Uploaded Image (Thumbnail) Displays points earned from this assignment do not count toward student’s final grade
Speed Grader Uploaded Image (Thumbnail) Indicates quizzes or a survey submission needs review
Terms and Dates Course Dates Uploaded Image (Thumbnail) Notifies you that the date prior to the set end date will be the last available day in the course


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Managing Course Size

What Is It?

Canvas has a maximum upload size of 500MB. If your course backup is over that size, it will take significantly longer for the I.T. department to restore your course. Here are ways you can keep your course under the limit while keeping all the functionality and content.


With your Office365 account, 1TB of space is available for you to upload larger files such as videos, audio files, or large PowerPoint presentations. Once files are uploaded to the OneDrive get a link with the share button and include that link to the file in the course.

Learn more about the OneDrive

Legacy Files

Every time you upload a file to a course on Canvas , it is saved to the main Canvas database. Even after you delete the file from the course, it will be in that database. These files are "Legacy" and get backed up and carried over every time a course is backed up. These files should be cleared out regularly.

Show/Hide Content and Reports to a specific tool category in the Impact Dashboard

How do I show or hide content and reports related ... - Instructure Community - 496701 (


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Navigation as an Instructor

Canvas has several built in methods of navigation:

Course Navigation Tabs

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 Configured external (LTI
) tools may create additional Course Navigation links.

However, these links do not display the visibility icon. You can disable Course Navigation links for LTI Tools in course settings, and the link will no longer display in the Course Navigation menu for you or your students.

Bread crumbs

"Bread crumbs" are the links at the top left of the window in canvas that direct you to your current location on the page

See image 

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For example the breadcrumbs highlighted above read:

1) course name: 12345

2) Assignments navigation

3)Assignment name




Outcomes and outcome sets for the non-legacy outcomes MUST be added by the I.T. Help Desk. To add a new outcome please contact the Help Desk by submitting a ticket on our website with what set you would like the outcomes in (including whether it is a new set or not), the names of the outcomes, any documentation numbers or identification numbers it should be listed under, and a description of each outcome.

   Outcomes enables the faculty to track student progress as measured by pedagogical goals or desired outcomes

   Assessments created to test student knowledge or to require students to demonstrate a specific skill resulting from a learning activity = learning outcomes (which can be used for grading simultaneously)

   Grading student work automatically compiles data on student progress for Outcomes. 

This approach reduces work required to implement Learning Outcomes through the reuse of assessment in the grading process   (Data is available for reporting to support teaching improvement, identify at-risk students, and support the accreditation process)  


   Use Outcomes to:

  • Focus student attention important key skills and activities in your course (find existing outcomes/create new ones)
  • Align Quizzes and Assignments to different mastery's
  • Run reports at account-level about student artifacts of learning mastery
  • Assess student progress through calculation methods
  • Track student progress - learning outcome or overall in the Learning Mastery Gradebook
  • Align accreditation/other core standards to programs of study, courses, or student assessments

   Calculation methods:

Users create outcome, users can set one of four calculation methods used for student mastery: Weighted Average, Decaying Average, n Number of Times, Most Recent Score / Highest Score. Calculation methods are used in conjunction within the Learning Mastery Gradebook.

   Default: Canvas weighted average is set at 65/35, meaning the current item is weighted at 65%, and the average of all other user scores is weighted at 35%.   However, users can specify between 1% and 99% for the current percentage, and prior scores are weighted against the percentage difference. Note that the average is rounded to the next two decimals. If there is only one result, then the single score will be displayed.

   Decaying Average calculation uses a formula to determine proficiency based on students' average scores, giving more weight to the most recent scored. To determine the weight given to the most recent score, the formula uses a decay rate. The higher the formula's decay rate, the more heavily the most recent assessment is weighted. By default, the decay weight is set at 65%. However, you can adjust the rate to any percentage between 50% and 99%.

   Most Recent Score calculation always selects the most recent score for all assessment items

   Highest Score calculation always selects the highest score for all assessment items

   If the Account and Course Level Outcome Mastery Scales feature option is enabled for your account, you can set mastery scales for the entire account

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   If Account and Course Level Outcome Mastery Scales feature option and the Improved Outcomes Management feature option are enabled for your account, the Outcomes page displays an improved interface for viewing and managing outcomes. How do I use the outcomes page in an account in Im... - Instructure Community - 486333 (



What are Outcomes? - Instructure Community - 75 (

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Article ID: 159522
Wed 5/29/24 12:17 PM
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