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What is it?
How to edit the home page for your canvas course.
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Canvas Home Page
First Navigate to the desired course.

- Navigation
- This is where you can access the different parts of your course.
- Student View / Immersive Reader
- Student View is where you can go to act as a test student.
- Immersive Reader is where you can go to see the text to speech for your page.
- Page
- This is the course home page. You can edit this using the Rich Text Editor
- Other Options
- Here you can import your course from an existing Canvas course/ Moodle Course or from Commons
- Here you can Set your home page to any page within the course.
- Course Stream shows Recent Announcements and other course activity
- You can create an announcement using "New Announcement"
- New Analytics will show the average course grade and other reports.
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Page Editing
Click "Edit" in the top right of the canvas home page
This is where you will see the text editor.

- Page Name
- This is where you can set the name for the page you are editing.
- Editing Tools
- These are all of the tools you can use to create your page. To see a tools function hover the mouse above it.
- Within the page editing you can edit the navigation images by changing the images and using the link tool to link to the desired pages.
- Link options allows you to choose where the link will go.
- Remove link will get rid of the link.
- Image Options allows you to set image size and change the Alt Text.
- Accessibility
- This will show your WCAG 2.2 Accessibility rating.
- HTML Editor
- This is where you can switch from text to HTML editing.
- Page View
- Here you can full screen the page or drag it down to make it larger.
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More Information
For additional information check out the Canvas instructor Guide.
If you need further help with any of these steps please contact the Montana Tech IT Help Desk at 460-496-4244 or or submit a ticket here
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