Using Gradescope with Canvas as an Instructor

What is It?

Gradescope is an external tool integrated into Canvas, providing instructors with an efficient online platform for consistent grading of assignments and exams. It offers various grading options, upload formats, and rubrics. Note: Information for this article was largely obtained here.

*Note Montana Tech IT Help Desk does not provide support for Gradescope , if you have any issues reach out to Gradescope Support. If you have any issues with the LTI you can reach out to the IT Help Desk.*

Table of Contents

  1. Table of Contents
  2. Signing in to Canvas
  3. Linking a Canvas Course
  4. Syncing Your Roster
  5. Creating and Linking Your Assignments
  6. Loading a Gradescope Assignment in a New Window
  7. Publishing a Gradescope Assignment in Canvas
  8. Grading Assignments
  9. Posting Grades

Signing Into Canvas

Sign in with your Montana Tech username and password to access your Canvas dashboard.

Link to Access Canvas

Linking a Canvas Course

In the left sidebar of your course page, click on Gradescope to launch it within Canvas.

If your credentials have not propagated, you may need to sign in to Gradescope here.

Linking Gradescope

Syncing Your Roster

After linking your course to Gradescope, sync your student roster.

On your Gradescope course dashboard, look for the "Roster" option in the left sidebar.

Syncing Roster

Creating and Linking Your Assignments

Once your course and roster are linked to Gradescope, start linking your assignments.

Within your course, select assignments from the course navigation menu and open the menu in the upper right corner.

Creating Assignments

In the Gradescope Create Assignment modal, choose to link either a new or existing Gradescope assignment. Select Link Assignment.

On the Create Assignment page, choose the assignment type you want to create, then select Next. Customize any other necessary settings and select Create Assignment to close the modal.

For detailed information on creating/editing/linking assignments, follow this link.

To finalize the assignment link, select the assignment from your Canvas Assignments dashboard and return to Gradescope. You must complete this step to post grades. Note: Clicking the assignment name will navigate you and your students to the linked Gradescope assignment.

Assignments can be edited by selecting Edit Assignment Settings.

By default, Gradescope assignments will embed in your Canvas course. Be sure to save your changes before leaving.

Loading a Gradescope Assignment in a New Window

If you want to change the default embedding behavior:

Select edit on your assignment.

Edit Assignment

Select More Options.

More Options

Select Load this Tool in a New Tab within the Submission Type section. This setting can be changed at any time.

Publishing a Gradescope Assignment in Canvas

To make a Gradescope-linked assignment visible to students on Canvas, simply publish the assignment as you would a non-Gradescope assignment.

Publishing Assignment

Assignment Visibility

Published assignments will be visible to all students.

Grading Assignments

To grade assignments, launch your course within Canvas and select the Gradescope assignment.

Once the assignment launches, select Grade Submissions in the left sidebar of Gradescope, and begin grading!

Grading Assignments

Posting Grades

Note: Ensure the class roster is synced properly before attempting this step.

After grading submissions for an assignment, you will be directed to the Gradescope Grading Dashboard for the assignment.

Expand the left sidebar in Gradescope (if it isn’t already) and click Review Grades.

On the Review Grades page, click the Post Grades to Canvas button. A dialog box will appear explaining how grades will be pushed from Gradescope to Canvas.

In the dialog box, select Post Grades. If you're using the latest version of the Gradescope tool (LTI 1.3), your button may display a customized name your institution has chosen instead of "Canvas."

  1. For fully graded submissions: Only the overall score will be posted to your Canvas Gradebook. These assignments will have a checkmark next to them on the Review Grades page in Gradescope.
  2. For ungraded or partially graded submissions: A dash displays next to ungraded submissions, and an alert icon next to any partially graded submissions.

To allow students to see their graded, annotated submissions, question-by-question scores, rubrics, and feedback on Gradescope, select Publish Grades.

Publishing Grades

To notify students via email that their grades are now visible, select Compose Email to Students at the bottom of the Review Grades page.