Deploying McGraw Hill Connect Assignments in Canvas
*Note Montana Tech IT Help Desk does not provide support for McGraw Hill, if you have any issues reach out to McGraw Hill SupportIf you have any issues with the LTI you can reach out to the IT Help Desk.*
Step 1
Log in to Canvas.
Step 2
Navigate to Modules on the left-hand side.
Locate the module where you want to add assignments, and click on the three dots next to it.
Step 3
Select McGraw Hill LTIA from the options.
Step 4
Click McGraw Hill Connect to continue.
Step 5
Click Begin.
Step 6
If you have a McGraw Hill account, enter your password and log in.
If not, select Create Account to set up a new one.
Step 7
Choose Pair with existing Connect course if you already have a course, or Pair with new Connect course if creating a new course.
Step 8
Find the Connect section you want to pair, click Select, or complete the setup for a new course.
Step 9
Click Go to Section Home to access the course section.
Step 10
Choose the assignments you want to deploy and select Deploy from the options menu.
Step 11
Set the grade type for assignments in bulk or individually, then click Deploy to finish.
Step 12
The deployed assignments appear in the module and Assignments area of Canvas.
To rearrange assignment order, drag them within the module.
When ready, Publish the assignment. Each deployed assignment automatically creates a gradebook column in Canvas.