Advanced Grading Options

Advanced Grading Options in Canvas provide additional tools to enhance grading efficiency. These include applying grade curving, setting default grades, using late policies, and enabling automatic deductions for missing or late submissions.

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Gradebook Settings

More Information

Gradebook Settings

Step 1:

On your web browser, navigate to your Canvas homepage using the following link:

Go to Canvas

Note: If you are having any issues accessing Canvas please navigate to the Login section.

Step 2: 

Navigate to the desired course in your dashboard (The courses in the dashboard are different for each individual).

Step 3:

Navigate to the Grades tab from course navigation.


Step 4:

Select the gear icon for settings at the top right of the page.

Canvas provides the following grading options to help you manage grades effectively:

  1. Late Policies – Set rules for handling late and missing submissions.
  2. Grade Posting Policy – Control when grades are visible to students.
  3. Advanced – Access tools like grade curving and default grades.
  4. View Options – Customize how the Gradebook displays information.

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Late Policies

You can use grade settings in Canvas to manage missing and late submissions.

  • Check "Automatically apply grade for missing submissions" to assign a default grade for missing work.
  • Use "Automatically apply deduction to late submissions" to deduct points per day or hour for late work.
  • Select "Lowest possible grade" to set the minimum grade a student can receive on an assignment.
Late Policies Settings

The Grade Posting Policy in Canvas allows you to control when and how grades are released to students.

  • With the Automatic Posting Policy, grades are immediately visible to students as they are entered.
  • The Manual Posting Policy hides grades by default, giving instructors control to review and post grades at their discretion.

Grade Posting Policy Settings

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The Final Grade Override option in Canvas allows you to manually set a student's final grade, replacing the grade automatically calculated by the Gradebook. This provides flexibility for unique grading situations.

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View Options

The View Options in the Canvas Gradebook allow you to customize the display of grades. You can filter by assignment groups, sections, or modules, sort columns, and enable features like grading periods or notes to streamline grade management.

View Options Settings

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Apply Settings

After any edit, be sure to Apply Settings or there will be no change, and the process "completed" will be reversed.

Apply Settings Button

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For additional information check out the  Canvas instructor Guide.

If you need further help with any of these steps please contact the Montana Tech IT Help Desk at 460-496-4244 or or submit a ticket here

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