Gradebook Categories and Views

Grade Display - Course Total & Categories

Step 1:

On your web browser, navigate to your Canvas homepage using the following link:

Go to Canvas

Note: If you are having any issues accessing Canvas please navigate to the Login section.

Step 2:

Select the Courses tab and navigate to Grades. Scroll the tab all the way to the right and locate the Total column.

Total Column in Grades Tab

Step 3:

From here, we can sort by Categories:

Low grades to high grades.

Sorting Grades from Low to High

Display as Points or as Percentages and handle warning messages (you may choose the continue checkbox).

Display Grades as Points or Percentages
Display Grades as Points or Percentages

Select Move to Front, and view from the beginning of the gri

Move to Front Button

Step 4:

To send a message to a group of students based on their grades, click the Message Students Who link.

Message Students Who Link

Step 5:

Enter the message details and recipients (By default, it will be auto-populated to the students with a Total Grade Higher than input).

(To send to students whose Total Grade is Lower than input, click the For students who drop-down menu, and select the Total grade lower than option).

Message Students Details

To see all recipients or hide them, select the highlighted toggle.

Step 6:

When you finish setting your grade display type, changes will save automatically.

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Grade Display - Individual Assignments

Step 1:

On your web browser, navigate to your Canvas homepage using the following link:

Go to Canvas

Note: If you are having any issues accessing Canvas please navigate to the Login section.

Step 2:

Navigate to Grades from the Courses tab and select the individual gradebook option at the top left side of the page.

Individual Gradebook Option

Step 3:

With the Individual View of Grades, you can filter your desired subjects to edit.

Filtering Subjects in Individual View
Another Filtering Option in Individual View

Step 4:

Example: The view when a student and assignment are selected.

Selected Student and Assignment View
Student Overview Profile
Assignment Feedback Section

Step 5:

The three available buttons at the bottom of the page are:

Grade Submission Buttons
  1. "Message Students who...": Compose a message to students based on their grades.
  2. "Set default grade": Give all students the same grade and overwrite other grades if necessary.
  3. "Curve Grades": Enter an average grade for the curve for the assignment. The chart shows a best attempt at curving the grades based on current student scores.

Note: Grade curving cannot be undone (curve history can be viewed but not reversed).

For more information on curving grades, please checkout this article: Curve Grades

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