Facilitation and Instruction Best Practices

What Is It?

Addresses how well the instructor facilitates the course, communicates with students, engages students to be active learners, and reinforces the development of a sense of community among course participants.  As you review each of these objectives, make note of at least one area in each section that you would like to incorporate or improve on in your course.

Who Can Use It?

Montana Tech Instructors

How can I do it?

  1. The instructor identifies areas of agreement and disagreement on course topics
    1. The instructor anticipates and plans for any topics that may be sensitive or potentially contentious in the discussions.
    2. Be proactive in dealing with stereotypes or inappropriate comments.
  2. Instructor helps students understand importance of course topics and related outcomes.
    1. The instructor designs topics in sequence to support the objectives and outcomes.
    2. When introducing topics, the instructor explains the importance of the topic and any areas where there may be disagreement.
    3. Constructively approach potential areas of disagreement to support a variety of points of view.
  3. The instructor helps keep course participants engaged and participating in productive dialogues.
    1. Acts as a moderator in the discussions and reinforces key topics and specific learning objectives.
    2. Assists students who have gotten off track.
  4. Instructor encourages students to explore new concepts through the course experience.
    1. Though the potential for this varies by discipline, instructors try to promote a broad focus and allow students latitude and choice where possible in interpretation of course topics.
    2. Be aware of and respect cultural differences around taking initiative, asking questions, and expressing disagreement.
    3. Where possible use grouping strategies with awareness of gender, abilities, backgrounds, reading levels, and language.
  5. Instructor helps to focus the discussion on relevant issues
    1. Use a variety of approaches, weekly email, discussion boards, and blogs to provide relevant issues.
    2. Use discussions to help students make connections between the course materials, current events, and their own background and experiences.
  6. Provide timely feedback in discussions and other interactions
    1. Demonstrate your commitment to student learning by providing direct and relevant feedback.
    2. Work with students to identify strengths and weaknesses in submissions in a timely manner.
  7. Send communications that underscore important goals and foci prior to topics being introduced in class.
    1. Use communication tools to let students know what to expect next.
    2. Where misunderstandings are common, send out clarifications before potential misunderstandings occur. Announcements and discussion descriptions are good locations for such clarification.
  8. Instructor sends reminders of due dates and duration of respective modules, as well as other instructions to keep students on task.
    1. Use the calendar and announcements to remind students of important dates and deadlines.
    2. Create a weekly To Do document in Moodle for each individual week.


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