Montana Tech Email on iPhone

Montana Tech Email on iPhone

A guide on adding your Montana Tech email as an account for your iPhone**

How do I do it?

**If this is your first time adding your Montana Tech account to your device, you may ignore steps 3 & 4. Otherwise, if you are having issues with your account currently, these steps will address the process of removing it first.

1. Click Settings Icon Scroll down to Mail app -> Select

iPhone settings highlighting Mail application

2. Choose Accounts ->

iPhone settings selecting Accounts application

3. Select Exchange Account
*Verify this is your Montana Tech account

iPhone settings showing verification and the Delete Account button

4. Select Delete Account, then Select Delete from My IPhone
This will take a minute

iPhone settings highlighting Delete from My Iphone button

5. Choose Add Account

6. Select Microsoft Exchange

7. Enter Email address

8. Next Choose Sign In*

*If prompted, Select work account, then enter credentials just as if you were logging on to

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