Course Visibility

What is It?

Instructors have the option to hide/show their Moodle courses for students.

How to Access Moodle Course Availability

Step 1:

In your web browser, navigate to your Moodle using the following link:

Step 2:

Enter your username and password and then select "SIGN IN."

  • Note: Links to help with passwords are on the Web Sign-on page. Those who cannot log into Moodle should contact the IT Help Center.

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Step 3:

All of your courses are listed on the homepage. Select the one in which you will be changing the visibility.

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Step 4:

Select the course "Settings" tab.

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Step 5:

Under the "General" section there will be an option to edit course visibility. 

  • Show: This will allow for students to access the course and its resources, activities, and assignments. 
  • Hide: Instructors are able to prepare course content and make changes without students accessing it.

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Step 6:

Select "Save and Display."

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