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- Knowledge Base
- Online Learning
- Instructor Moodle
- Gradebook
Everything you need to know about the Moodle Gradebook!
- Knowledge Base
- Online Learning
- Instructor Moodle
- Knowledge Base
- Online Learning
- Instructor Moodle
- Assignments
Adding Content, Assignments, Forums, Quizzes, Setting Up and Managing Workshops, File Submissions, Questionnaire, External Tools, Using Feedback, Grading Assignments
- Knowledge Base
- Online Learning
- Instructor Moodle
- Quiz
- Knowledge Base
- Online Learning
- Student Moodle
- Knowledge Base
- Online Learning
- Student Moodle
Instructions on how a student can submit assignments on Moodle.
- Knowledge Base
- MyMTech
It takes 24 hours after registration for your course information to be automatically pushed to the MyMTech system. If you registered longer than 24 hours ago and the course has already started, contact the I.T. Help Desk. If you have been registered more than 24 hours, check to see if you have any courses that are hidden.
- Knowledge Base
- Online Learning
What is Moodle? How to access your Moodle account. Links to useful pages
- Knowledge Base
- Online Learning
- Instructor Moodle
- Course Setup
Instructors have the ability to hide or show a course to students.
- Knowledge Base
- Online Learning
- Student Moodle
How to navigate moodle as a student
- Knowledge Base
- Online Learning
- Instructor Moodle
- Course Setup
Instructions on how to change your profile information on Moodle.
- Knowledge Base
- Online Learning
- Instructor Moodle
- Course Setup
This article pertains to everything related to your course setup in Moodle. Layout of the Course. Adding Blocks. Pages. Navigation. Profile Information, Proctorio, Backup, Import
- Knowledge Base
- Online Learning
- Instructor Moodle
Moodle Reporting and Statistics
- Knowledge Base
- Online Learning
MyMTech/Moodle won't let me log in. What could be the problem? Moodles keeps sending notifications to my email, how do I fix this? Why does everything look so weird when I try to copy text from a Word document and paste it into Moodle? Who do I contact for more support?
- Knowledge Base
- Online Learning
- Best Practices for Teaching Online
Chunking refers to the strategy of breaking down information into bite-sized pieces so the brain can more easily digest new information. The reason the brain needs this assistance is because working memory, which is where we manipulate information, holds a limited amount of information at one time.