
What Is It?

Adding activities and content into Canvas course.  Discussions Overview (Students) - Instructure Community - 383515 (

Table of Contents

  1. Adding Content
    • Add activities or resources to your Canvas course. 
  2. Assignments
    • Instructors have the ability to create activities where students can submit assignments in online text form or in file form. 
  3. Forums
    • Students and instructors can exchange ideas by posting comments as part of a "thread"
  4. Quizzes
    • Instructors can create Canvas quizzes or exams using the "Quiz" option.
  5. File Submissions
    • Instructors have the ability to create an assignment where students can submit files.
  6. Questionnaire
    • Instructors have the ability to create surveys (for data collection purposes) with the Canvas questionnaire tool.
  7. External Tools
    • Instructors can integrate external learning tools into their Canvas courses
  8. Using Feedback / Comment
    • Instructors can provide feedback on assignments.
  9. Grading Assignments
    • Instructors can grade assignments on Canvas

Signing into Canvas


Step 1:

   In your web browser, navigate to your Canvas using the following link:



Step 2:

   Enter your username and password and then select "SIGN IN."

  • Note: Those who cannot log into Canvas should contact the IT Help Center.


Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


Step 3:

   On the homepage you will find a list of all your courses.

Select the course relevant.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


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Adding Content


Step 1:

On your web browser, navigate to your Canvas homepage using the following link:



Step 2:

   Select Modules from Course Navigation

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

From here you can upload content to a course

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

select "choose files"



Step 4:

   Add blank to courseUploaded Image (Thumbnail)


-Canvas will accept most media files as uploads. However, not all media files can be played within Canvas.
-When adding content using the add drop-down menu it loads the first 200 assignments, 400 quizzes, 200 discussions, and 100 external tools.



Step 5:

Upload File 

   To select a destination folder for your uploaded file, select an option in the Folder drop-down menu

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


Step 6:

   Adding existing content : Click the name of the item and select "add item"

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail) Save and  make sure it is there after exit out


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Step 1:

   On your web browser, navigate to your Canvas homepage using the following link:



Step 2:

   Open Assignments from Course tab 

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

From Assignments page you have permissions to add an assignment to a quiz, a discussion, or to have an add on to an existing assignment

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Change the type of assignment with the dropdown

Step 3:

   Apply the descriptive requirements, such as name and due date, and either save as a draft, or save and publish.

   Do not save and publish unless you are ready for students to see this assignment


Step 4:

    If saved as a draft it will post with an icon like this

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

If you wish to publish select this icon


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Step 1:

   On your web browser, navigate to your Canvas homepage using the following link:


Step 2:

   Locate Discussions from the Courses tab



Step 3:

   From the discussions tab you can view discussions

- Filter from the top of the page 

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)



Step 4:

   Select the setting Gear Icon in the upper right corner to

  • Mark posts manually mark posts as read then SAVE settings
  • Allow students to create discussion topics
  • Allow students to edit and delete thier own posts
  • Allow students to attach pictures or documents to discussions 

Then SAVE settings

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail) 




Step 5 : Note:

"Pinned Discussions" = at the top of the page placed by the instructor. 

"Discussions" = most recently listed

"Closed comments" = expired availability 



To place a discussion into a different category, drag and drop it by this symbol into catgory Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


Step 6:

Icons mean:

- Options Bar 

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

  • Open or close commenting
  • Pin or Unpin
  • Duplicate
  • Send to another instructor
  • Or copy discussion
  • Delete discussion
  • etc.


-Graded Assignment Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


-Peer ReviewUploaded Image (Thumbnail)


Dates display for graded and due dated assignments Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Subscribe Icon to sub. or unsub. from a discussion

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


Step 7: 

   In the search field:

To view a discussion search for discussion title

To view specific entry type author or keyword

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


Step 8: 

Create a new discussion

   From the details page:


Add Discussion Title ( to title bar), and Content using the Rich Content Editor boxUploaded Image (Thumbnail)


Assign ungraded discussion to a specific section in a course, Use "Post To" dropdown and type or select name from sections that appearUploaded Image (Thumbnail)

^Add attatchment by clicking the "choose file" toggle, and selct a file from the device^


Select other format options in the Options menuUploaded Image (Thumbnail)

^Group Discussions may be Graded by referring to the Options menu  ( select "Graded" check box)^


AND SAVE (draft)



Step 9: 

   Once discussion is saved

   View Details of discussion and publish or unpublish, edit, view discussion options, search and filter replies of discussion, collaps and expand, subscribe or unsubscribe and lastly, reply to the discussion.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

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Step 1:

   On your web browser, navigate to your Canvas homepage using the following link:


Step 2:


   Navigate to the quizzes from the courses tab and select + Quiz


Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


Step 3:

   From this page you should LABEL the quiz, And change to the details tab. Here you can style the quiz how you want with drop downs.

(click to view full image)

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


Step 4:

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Be sure to assign to who you desire and mark - NOTIFY USERS CONTENT HAS CHANGED



Step 5:

Finally, Publish and save


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File Submissions


Step 1:

   On your web browser, navigate to your Canvas homepage using the following link:


Step 2:

     Locate Files tab from Course Navigation

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


Step 3:

      Select + Folder, Upload, Or Search for Files 

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


 Step 4:

   Select your new file 

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

And Drop your Uploads (Files)


Your submission will save automatically 

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Step 1:

   On your web browser, navigate to your Canvas homepage using the following link:



Step 2:

    Start by locating Quizzes from Courses tab. create a new quiz, select un-graded survey. And proceed to the details tab. This is where you can design the survey by NAMING the question, Then select "Multiple Dropdowns", and apply whatever points (Note: Quiz point values support up to two decimal places. Entering more than two decimal places will round the point value to the nearest hundredth.)


Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)



Step 3:

   From the Text box locate the tables tool. (you may have to use the kebab in the upper right corner to find the tool) And style the table to what best benefits the type of survey and how many questions it will contain. 


Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


Step 4:

   Enter text in the form of questions and then a linkert response reference for each question.   EX) "Roses are [color1], violets are [color2]"Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

   Enter possible answers

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


   Standard five-point Likert responses are:

  • Strongly disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Agree
  • Strongly agreeUploaded Image (Thumbnail)



Step 5:

   Update the question and SAVE


Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)




Step 6:
   Student View for Question


Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)



Step 7:

   Student View for Responses

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


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External Tools


Step 1:

   On your web browser, navigate to your Canvas homepage using the following link:



Step 2:

   Navigate Modules in Courses tab, select the one in which you will be adding an external tool. Follow the + and see images below to add "external tool" 

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


   SEE: There can not be a external tool saved without a URL



Using Feedback / Comment


Step 1:

   On your web browser, navigate to your Canvas homepage using the following link:


Step 2:

   Navigate "Courses", then proceed to click grades or quizzes (whichever you wish to leave feedback/comment on).

For this example we are seeing from a students view, after going to the assignment they want to seethe feedback on.

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Step 3:

   From the faculty view

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Step 4:

   If you decide to use feedback through the rubric this is what it looks like. There is only a point value feedback option.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)




Step 5:

   After you write your feedback and input a grade, select "Save changes."

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Grading Assignments

   Canvas Community Source

How do I post grades for an assignment in the Grad... - Instructure Community - 576 (


Step 1:

   On your web browser, navigate to your Canvas homepage using the following link:

Step 2:

   Open the courses tab and choose grades. Once opened you will see these two options where you can filter your objectives


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Step 3:

   Input a grade in the field provided which is located to 

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)




Step 4:

   Navigate back to the submissions page to view the grades that you have entered


Step 5:

   To view a grade select the students name 


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Article ID: 159517
Wed 5/29/24 11:52 AM
Mon 9/16/24 11:43 AM